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Monday 25 April 2011

Why Many Facilitators Fail With a Crude Oil Business

Facilitators are present in most of the trading businesses and also have proven their worth for centuries. Facilitators perform certain important functions in a trade cycle so that it functions smoothly. Often they are aware of the best deals in the market and can help someone new in the business to survive and consolidate. However facilitator requirements for crude oil trading business are more advanced and unique. Crude Oil business has high stakes, involved both in terms of monetary requirements and incidental losses due to non compliance of sale deed. This nature of business requires more mature approach on part of the Facilitators of agents involved in this business. We will further study a few important reasons why facilitators involved in this business are not able to do well.

Lack of Experience and knowledge: Many people are attracted into this business because of kind of money one can earn on account of successful deals. Many agents fail to understand that requirements to succeed in this business are very demanding. Only those who have years of hands on experience and through knowledge of the industry can strive to do well as middle-men. Anyone thinking of making quick bucks getting involved with crude oil business may not do that well.

Many middlemen getting involved: Often it is observed number of middlemen get involved in a single deal and all of them have their own interest to protect. Often main focus of their business is changed from ensuring a smooth deal to protecting their own share of fee or commission. Also as the saying goes "too many cooks spoil the broth", too many middle men getting involved in the deal often creates confusion and focus is lost.

Working without a legal Mandate: It is very important in order to succeed as an agent in oil trading business one must have clear mandate from either a genuine buyer or genuine seller. This mandate may be non-exclusive in nature but still having a mandate will mean that you have at least one strong end. Your efforts will be better rewarded only in the where you will have this mandate otherwise your jobs becomes very difficult and changes of success very dim.

Clarity with Buying and Selling Procedures: The agents must be well aware of all the procedures involved in sale of crude. Lack of knowledge or clarity in these procedures can create serious problems and can cause a deal in making to fizzle out.

The Author has more than 10 years of International Market Development and Advisory experience, focused on new deals, company image and productive partnerships. Track record of contributing in start-up business units and divisions with developing accounts and organizing sales and marketing campaigns in different global markets. Click to know more about Crude Oil and Crude Oil Trading

Article Source:

R Ambardar - EzineArticles Expert Author

Possible Directions of Interest for Chinese Investors

What is interesting for Chinese investors? First of all, these are directions, which have connections with growth of customer economy of China. At present, this is their main strategic policy. Analysis of such directions could allow you to get ideas about possible business projects with China.

One of the perspective directions is automobile market. In contemporary world, China became both the largest producer and consumer of cars. In such a way, any technologies and products, which are connected with motor industry, are interesting for Chinese investors.

The other attractive direction is pharmaceutics. This branch requires high development of chemistry, biology and skilled personnel. Therefore, there are situated a big number of pharmaceutical research centres of the biggest medicine companies in China nowadays. That means, that there will be concentrated the largest medicine production companies in future. It is important, that managers understand, that establishment of own research centres in China could allow to get not only investment, but also perspective business.

The data about not financial investment of China confirm the fact, that Chinese are interested in development of such directions as infrastructure, construction, innovations, medical care. About 40% of total investment in China is given to listed above areas in 2008.

Education is not less interesting direction for Chinese businessmen. China government makes an accent on this area, especially, on system of education. They are interested, that the number of well-educated people increases in China from year to year to gain new level of development. In such a way, educational projects, for example, distance education projects could be very attractive for Chinese investors.

Last years, China is alarmed about ecological state of environment. At present time, Chinese invest big sums of money to improve ecological situation. Therefore, any ecological product and technologies projects could have success.

As for innovations, the Chinese ready to give investment to companies, which are specialized on genetic engineering, alternative power engineering. In such way, they try to avoid any dependence on energetic resources. According to quotation of an American journalist-economist Thomas L. Friedman, "if China fulfills own expectancies, which it plans to realize, soon the USA will not be buying toys, furniture and cars, but energy": electric cars, solar panel, batteries, and energy-efficient software. According to this information, any project connected with alternative sources of energy will be attractive.

To conclude, there are a number of interesting directions, which could be interesting for Chinese investors and on the base of which it is possible to build successful business projects. The main of them are automobile market, pharmaceutics and opening of research centres, infrastructure, construction, innovations, distance education, genetic engineering and alternative power engineering. Of course, there is a range of other possible attractive directions, but all of them should suppose the benefit and development of Chinese economy.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Mattel's Barbie - A Great Case for Doing Business in China the Right Way

What could go wrong? You've got an enormous growing consumer sector, the world's largest economy and the world's best known doll. Well as it turns out everything can go wrong. Mattel is another high flying victim of failing to understand China before jumping in and assuming they'd make enormous amounts of money easily.

They've just announced the closure of their flagship Shanghai store a six storey heaven (or hell) of pinkness. A Barbie bar and a staircase embedded with over 875 of the dolls themselves couldn't save the brand here.

So what went wrong?

Mattel's biggest mistake was assuming that because the brand is well known in the West it would automatically be well known in China. In fact by and large Chinese people don't know much about Western brands at all, excluding clothing and cars that is. So given a wealth of locally made much cheaper equivalent products, the Chinese voted with their wallets.

The country's little girls simply didn't care about Barbie and why would they? Barbie's blond hair and blue eyes may reflect the archetypal American teen but it's not really a reflection of China's realities is it?

To compound their error the company decided to launch in Shanghai, one of the country's Tier 1 cities, a mistake that no Chinese retailer would make. It's well known that local companies don't test market in the highest visibility locations for a reason. Firstly they're expensive and secondly failure in these positions would be seen as a drastic "loss of face".

Smart retailers test market in Tier 2 cities, and not usually regional capitals but those cities that fall in the grey area around them. It's much lower cost strategy because rents are cheap and there are decent incentives to open businesses in these cities. They also have their fair share of high and low income families, who can give feedback (with their wallets) on a new range before making a high profile song and dance about it.

The keys to doing successful business in China

Market Research - it seems astonishing at how little research major retailers are putting into their market entry strategies. Without engaging with the Chinese consumer how can Western companies even hope to be successful? Consumer spending habits are very different as is brand recognition. The culture of the country is such that the "big bang" style launch may well be perceived as "boasting" rather than the intended "here we are" too.

Test Markets - There's way too much focus on Beijing and Shanghai and not enough understanding that there's an enormous number of other cities that are far less visible to gauge the market. No major Chinese brand starts off in these cities, they head to the more obscure Tier 2 cities make sure they have their formula right and then move up. There's a huge wave of Chinese brands making their way up through these easier to access markets now, and soon they'll be competing head to head with Western brands in Tier 1 cities on equal terms.

Mattel will be back in China, there's no doubt that the pull of the biggest consumer market in the world is too much to resist. Let's hope they do their groundwork properly this time.

Website Translation Services Make Reaching Out to Foreign-Speaking Markets a Viable Option

People buy products online from businesses every minute of the day. What is intriguing is that many people don't realise until the purchased goods turn up on their doorstep that the business they've purchased them from are based overseas.

In today's fast paced world, more often than not it doesn't matter where you buy your products online. Unlike 20 years ago when it took around a month to have something sent from New Zealand to the UK, today's delivery expectations are much higher. If you've purchased a pair of shoes and they're in stock and take longer than 7 days to arrive, there must be a good explanation for it (i.e. sent to the wrong address, or never left at all).

The beauty of this efficient international freight is that you can buy something online and as long as the website appears to be trustworthy and credible, you often don't hesitate to confirm your purchase in the checkout area.

Website translation services have made reaching out to the international market almost effortless. If you are in the shoe selling industry, then you'll want to be able to target foreign-speaking countries as well. By having your website content translated into their language, you have the opportunity of capturing online users of that language, increasing your income potential.

It is important to realise that it's not just translating an English language website into that of the foreign-speaking one. The content needs to take into account the exact environment of that particular market and the entire site needs to be in touch with that market area's culture, society and linguistics.

If you do decide to invest in website translation services, you need to ensure that a professional company is taking care of it for you. Some of the best service providers have experts dedicated to each language, plus they also have excellent knowledge of all countries that speak that language. A professional company will generally demonstrate 100% confidentiality when dealing with your website.

For some New Zealand companies it makes sense to target the likes of China and Japan, especially if your products aren't readily available in those countries. In sales, it's all about numbers. The population of countries like these throws up millions of numbers in terms of sales opportunities. Through website translation services, you can punch into a market that you once thought was too difficult or impossible.

Blue South Australia - Translation for Business. Wherever the market, whatever the business, leading companies trust Blue South to deliver the translations they need; on time; on budget; professionally. Our operation is focused on delivering the best quality translations for business.

Contact us today to discuss your website translation needs.

Article Source:

Saturday 23 April 2011

5 Important Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Buying Agent

Hiring a buying agency is critical to the success of your project, whether it is about only a few pieces of customized furniture for your house, a large-scale project involving the furnishing of a whole resort or continuous restocking of shop supplies.

This checklist should help you evaluate export agencies from Indonesia and other countries:

1. What services does the agent offer?

You should expect more from an agent than just working as an intermediary between you and the producer. Demand at least the following services: Quality control done by agent and regular updates about the production process. Free warehouse service to consolidate multiple orders. Consultation about the trade-off between price and quality, explanation of various material and finishing options. Packaging and export preparation.

2. Does the sourcing agency have a minimum order?

Many agents have a minimum order quantity of a 20ft container (in other words, min: $5k - $15.000, or several hundred pieces of goods). Most clients are just interested in some few pieces. Even customers with bigger orders in mind would like to first order samples to access the workmanship. Further, after the main order, the client might want to order some few more products as completion. This also includes customized products. Sample orders possible. Thorough consultation, quality control and shipping services even for small orders.

3. Do they have experience with your kind of order?

There are fundamental differences between products for commercial and for private use. Products in public areas are used by many people. They must not only comply with local regulations, but also need to be more robust (material, joinery, finishing) than, let's say, private garden furniture. A good agent must understand this and act accordingly. Further, many private clients might order for the first time overseas and need concise information on the whole process.

4. Which product range and materials do they offer?

First, many agents focus only on specific products (building materials, textiles etc.) and therefore might be not the right choice for your request. However, picking an agent whose expertise is only your kind of products is also not recommended, as for future orders, of different products, you will have to find another agent. Also, an agent with a broader expertise might suggest you solutions where it is required "to think outside the box". An agent should have experience in a broad range of products: building materials, furniture, textiles, deco items etc. Also, an agent should be able to suggest alternative materials and finishings.

5. Are customized designs possible?

Customized designs must be possible. These can be based on pictures, drawings or just a description. Of course, customized products should have no minimum order. Finally, do not pay more for customized products than for regular products from the catalog. A "design fee" is just not acceptable.