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Monday 25 April 2011

Possible Directions of Interest for Chinese Investors

What is interesting for Chinese investors? First of all, these are directions, which have connections with growth of customer economy of China. At present, this is their main strategic policy. Analysis of such directions could allow you to get ideas about possible business projects with China.

One of the perspective directions is automobile market. In contemporary world, China became both the largest producer and consumer of cars. In such a way, any technologies and products, which are connected with motor industry, are interesting for Chinese investors.

The other attractive direction is pharmaceutics. This branch requires high development of chemistry, biology and skilled personnel. Therefore, there are situated a big number of pharmaceutical research centres of the biggest medicine companies in China nowadays. That means, that there will be concentrated the largest medicine production companies in future. It is important, that managers understand, that establishment of own research centres in China could allow to get not only investment, but also perspective business.

The data about not financial investment of China confirm the fact, that Chinese are interested in development of such directions as infrastructure, construction, innovations, medical care. About 40% of total investment in China is given to listed above areas in 2008.

Education is not less interesting direction for Chinese businessmen. China government makes an accent on this area, especially, on system of education. They are interested, that the number of well-educated people increases in China from year to year to gain new level of development. In such a way, educational projects, for example, distance education projects could be very attractive for Chinese investors.

Last years, China is alarmed about ecological state of environment. At present time, Chinese invest big sums of money to improve ecological situation. Therefore, any ecological product and technologies projects could have success.

As for innovations, the Chinese ready to give investment to companies, which are specialized on genetic engineering, alternative power engineering. In such way, they try to avoid any dependence on energetic resources. According to quotation of an American journalist-economist Thomas L. Friedman, "if China fulfills own expectancies, which it plans to realize, soon the USA will not be buying toys, furniture and cars, but energy": electric cars, solar panel, batteries, and energy-efficient software. According to this information, any project connected with alternative sources of energy will be attractive.

To conclude, there are a number of interesting directions, which could be interesting for Chinese investors and on the base of which it is possible to build successful business projects. The main of them are automobile market, pharmaceutics and opening of research centres, infrastructure, construction, innovations, distance education, genetic engineering and alternative power engineering. Of course, there is a range of other possible attractive directions, but all of them should suppose the benefit and development of Chinese economy.

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