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Saturday 16 April 2011

Representatives for Negotiations in China - Main Requirements

When you are planning to visit Chinese businessmen, it is important to know not only what you will present and how, but also who will be representative of the project and your company. The face of company should be obligatory a person with high status and career position, for example, vice-president or assistant of general director. In such way, it should seem, that you are serious in your intentions and have serious attitude to negotiations with Chinese managers.

From the beginning, the main goal for representatives should be not only successful signing of the contract and turn home, but also creation of networking, friendly relationships according to Guanxi and readiness for the next stage of negotiations or meeting with Chinese. It is possible to compare whole negotiation process with preparing of yeast dough for baking bread. We can not make something with dough, while yeast will not grow. That's why before representatives will achieve results, the main task should be collection of information and Guanxi.

The other important moment is constant membership of the team of representatives. It is not recommended to change representatives, because relationships, which were already built, should be created again. Changing of representative will lead to result, that his or her good will be lost. Moreover, the relationships with Chinese party could become worse or better depend on the representative status. They will be negative if the representative quits his job, and relationships will improve, if the representative gets promotion. Thus, it is recommended to choose only reliable people for such role as this may influence on your business with China.

The person, who directly participates in business talks, should be as competent as a manager, who coordinates realization of the project. Their minds and actions should be the same, otherwise the company will loose trust of Chinese managers. In addition, representative should present project in such way, that expectations of Chinese were a little lower than possible result. This is necessary for the confidence, that if something is wrong Chinese will not mention, but if project is better, this will be plus and impression about project of Chinese will be high.

As Chinese consider that everything in a man should be harmonic, they often transfer opinion about a person from the personal life to business. That's why representative should have both good personal characteristics and business skills. Preferably, that representative will be competent and decent, aware about cultural values and possible tricks and seriousness checks of Chinese people.

Thus, experienced manager, choosing representatives for delegation to China, should be confident, that they are reliable, their minds and actions are the coordinated, integrated and they are competent. The main task, which should be given to them not only to sign contract, but also to built basic relationships according Guanxi conception and to collect as much information as possible.

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